Wednesday Bird Walk May 15, 2024

List compilation and commentary by volunteer birder Steve MacArthur.

It was a nice day for a walk in the Preserve: partly sunny; 55 degrees at the start and 83 at the end..

What We Saw
We had 16 birders and logged 61 species.

Notables: Great blue heron and Cassin’s vireo. Really good looks at Barn owl and immature Great-horned owl. 5 Bell’s vireos.

Nesting: Nuttall’s woodpecker and Oak titmouse.

Continuing: Wrentit.

High counts: House finch (27); Yellow warbler (21); Lesser goldfinch (21); White-winged dove (16).

Mammals: California ground squirrel (there were 20 at or near the feeders); Desert cottontail.

Snakes: California king.

Lizards: Gilbert’s skink; Side-blotched lizard; Western fence lizard; Western whiptail lizard.

Butterflies: Lorquin’s admiral; Northern white-skipper; Western tiger swallowtail; Umber skipper.

Wednesday Bird Walk 5/8/2024

Birdwalk Sightings 5/8/2024
List compilation and commentary by volunteer birder Steve MacArthur.

It was a windy day for a walk in the Preserve: sunny, windy; 64 degrees at the start and 80 at the end.

What We Saw
We had 23 birders and logged 53 species.

Notables: Bell’s vireo (only 2); Western flycatcher; Townsend’s warbler; Blue grosbeak.

Continuing: Wrentit; Lucy’s warbler.

High counts: House finch (25); Bushtit (19); Lesser goldfinch (17); Yellow warbler (17); Black-headed grosbeak (17).

Mammals: Mule deer (again 3, female and two young); California ground squirrel (there were at least 12 at the feeders); Desert cottontail.

Snakes: Gopher; California king.

Bird Walk List 5/1/2024

Bird Walk List 5/1/2024
List compilation and commentary by Steve MacArthur.

It was a beautiful day for a walk in the Preserve:

sunny, largely calm with breezy intervals, 53 degrees at the start and 80 at the end.

What We Saw
We logged 60 unique species (62 varieties) on May 01, 2024.

Notables: Good looks at Great-horned owls (adult, 2 young) and Barn owl. 8 flycatcher species. Lark sparrow, Pine siskin and Yellow-headed blackbird.

Continuing: Lucy’s warbler.

High counts: House finch (26); Hooded oriole (17); Yellow warbler (15); Bewick’s wren (14); Phainopepla (14) and Lesser goldfinch (12)

Butterflies: Western tiger swallowtail; Acmon blue; Lorquin’s admiral; Northern white skipper and Pontia sp.

Mammals: Mule deer, California ground squirrels and Desert cottontail.

Lizards: Fence and Side-blotched.

Birdwalk 4/10/2024

List compilation and commentary by Steve MacArthur

What We Saw

Notables: Bell’s vireo; Brown-crested flycatcher; Ash-throated flycatcher; Wrentit; Western tanager; Golden-crowned sparrow.

Birds on the nest:  Barn owl (with young), Cooper’s hawk.

Continuing:  Virginia rail; Red-breasted nuthatch; Lucy’s warbler.

High counts: White-crowned sparrow (35); House finch (34); Lesser goldfinch (25); Turkey vulture (19); Yellow-rumped warbler (17) and Yellow warbler (14).

California ground squirrel and Desert cottontail were seen.